Introducing RenewableUK’s Grid & Storage 2024! The one-day conference-led event will cover the full spectrum of challenges and opportunities the UK is facing to deliver the Net Zero grid by 2035. Right now, we are in a period of huge transformation, where every area of our grid system and infrastructure is facing major change to deliver the energy transition – like never seen before! The conference programme will get into the detail of the key areas, including:

  • Strategic planning
  • Long duration electricity storage
  • Consenting and the planning regime
  • Connections reform
  • Network charging
  • Offshore network
  • Procurement
  • Network build
  • Community acceptance
  • Interconnection
  • Co-location (renewables + storage)
  • Market access and revenue stacking
  • And more!

Who will you meet?  

This new event will bring together all the key industry experts and stakeholders and provide a unique opportunity to network, work together to solve problems and increase the visibility of issues in a rapidly changing area.




Energy storage, Smart grid
